Magyar Snowboard Szövetség

Play True Day, a doppingellenesség világnapja április 9.

Idén a FIS Snowboarding is csatlakozott azokhoz a szervezetekhez, aki április 9-én ünneplik és egyben demonstráltanak a doppingellenesség mellett. A WADA, vagyis a World Anti-Doping Agency által életre hívott #playtrueday idei témája, hogy neked mit jelent a tiszta játék, azaz “What does Play True mean to you?”
Kíváncsiak vagyunk a véleményetekre, írjátok meg facebookon és instagrammon a poszt alatt kommentben mit gondoltok a tiszta játékról a snowboard sportban?
Teljes cikk a WADA oldaláról:

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) invites the worldwide anti-doping community to celebrate Play True Day 2021 on the 9th of April.

Since 2014, in April of every year, WADA and National Anti-Doping Organizations, Sport Federations, Governments and other major anti-doping stakeholders have celebrated “Play True Day” – a day that is dedicated to Clean Sport and is intended to raise awareness among athletes, the sporting public and others about the importance of Clean Sport.

This year’s theme is “What does Play True mean to you?”. Therefore, all athletes and sport stakeholders are invited to join WADA’s social media campaign on 9th April 2021 and let the world know.

WADA will be providing branded “Play True Day” visuals that can be used by the anti-doping community as part of their social media campaigns. However, participants are also encouraged to:

  • Innovate by creating personalized what does Play True mean to you? visuals based on their specific country, language and/or sport;
  • Use Hashtags #PlayTrue and #PlayTrueDay both in the lead-up to and on the day in order to extend the reach and impact of the campaign on social media; and
  • Follow the campaign in real time via our dedicated Play True Day social media wall on WADA’s website